Our Mission
Bringing together producers and consumers in a spirit of partnership, community and trust.
Proprietors: Marty & Bonnie Jean Shelton and Jim & Sandy Shelton, are involved in our community with an ongoing commitment to give back. Shelton’s Market donates to the following organizations;
click on the individual logos to visit their websites
Bonnie Jean and Marty Shelton with California State Senator Mike McGuire
The Shelton family has been involved in the natural foods business since 1973. Our first natural food markets were a new alternative to the traditional health food store, which featured vitamins, nuts, dried fruit and canned vegetarian meat substitutes. The new model had bulk foods, produce, cheese, breads and a smattering of groceries. Through the years, grocery items proliferated, supplements were developed, body care expanded, meat departments added and delis installed.
In our working lives, one or another of the Shelton family have worked in markets, managed an apple orchard, run a vegetable farm, worked wholesale produce, done sales for a European food importer, herded goats and managed restaurants. Through the 1990’s, we owned and grew 3 markets in Sonoma County, Food For Thought Natural Foods. Food For Thought was acquired by a national chain, which was later acquired by a global behemoth.
In 2008, after much debate on the viability of a small, community based market in a business atmosphere that glorifies and rewards HUGE, we decided to give it try. We opened Shelton’s Natural Foods Market with the ambitious goal of staying small. We would go back to the basics of food and food shopping. Food needs can be met. So can community needs. The need to be involved with each other, to know our neighbors and to support the efforts of organizations with no profit motive, but which make our place so rich.